Canterbury Bid

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It’s GOLD for Canterbury in Bloom

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that despite all the challenges of the last year and a half, Canterbury has been awarded GOLD in the Royal Horticultural Society South & South East in Bloom competition for the sixth time.…

A photo of the front of the Beaney House of Arts & Knowledge

Mystery High Street Sculptures Revealed in TV Show

Canterbury BID is delighted to have sponsored an eye catching new sculpture for the city centre outside The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, but until now we were unable able to reveal the reason it is there… The…

A banner poster for Canterbury's Summer of Rewards, with a summery illustration of Canterbury's skyline in the background

Canterbury is offering a Summer of Rewards

Canterbury BID has announced the launch of ‘Summer of Rewards with MyCanterbury’ to thank residents and visitors for supporting Canterbury over the past 18 months. Over the next six weeks, local businesses are offering daily deals and discounts providing…