Attractive streets are important for those working and visiting the city as customers, clients and tourists. The BID provides additional resource for cleaning key parts of the city, focusing on the areas that are not covered by Canterbury City Council cleaning schedule and ad hoc cleaning jobs requested by BID businesses.
Using a Low Carbon Grant, we purchased our own street cleaning machine (‘The Becket’). Over the last year the BID ambassadors have spent over 100 hours cleaning vacant doorways and areas, not covered by the council’s cleaning schedule.
With dry weather coming back, we are aiming for weekly cleans around the city. Please contact our Ambassadors by phone or email to report it. Contact details below.
Graffiti removal
We are monitoring new graffiti and reporting it for cleaning to the Canterbury City Council. They will remove it for free up to two times a year. Please contact our Ambassadors by phone or email to report it. Contact details below.
Ambassadors contact details:
The Ambassadors
Simon Jackson (Team Leader): or ring 07812 238642
Zak Rees: or ring 07815 702406
Reporting cleaning issues
If you see someone doing graffiti you should call 999 and report it as a crime in progress. You can also report problems to Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
If you are the victim of graffiti please ensure you report it to the Police using the Kent Police Online Reporting Tool
Canterbury City Council can remove graffiti from private property free of charge for the first two hours labour or up to a maximum area of 5 m2. There is a charge for labour in excess of two hours or in excess of 5 m2 if there is a request for the extra work to be carried out.
- To take advantage of this service click here to apply for free graffiti removal.
- Fly tipping can be reported here
- Reporting litter please click here: here