Canterbury Bid

Renewal Ballot 2024

Following a successful decade in Canterbury, a renewal ballot was held from 6 June – 11 July for businesses within the BID area to vote on whether or not the organisation should continue for another five-year term.

Businesses voted overwhelmingly in support of renewing the BID for another 5 year term from October 2024 to September 2029 with 90% in favour by number and 93% by rateable value.

Our mission is to listen to the businesses and organisations we represent, to truly understand your needs, and amplify the voices of those who aren’t always heard.

We want Canterbury to be a vibrant, connected, successful and profitable place in which to do business, and an enjoyable destination for everyone.

By business, for business

Voted for, supported by and working with businesses and organisations across the city, Canterbury BID is a not-for-profit, independent community interest company with a passionate team, governed by owners and managers from the surrounding business community, with the sole purpose of improving the area as a place to work, visit, study and live.