First impressions are important and ensuring everyone has a positive lasting impression of our city is high on our agenda. We are determined to help make Canterbury a clean, safe and enjoyable for those who work, live, visit and study in Canterbury.
Dressing the city – We provide award winning floral displays from June to October which generate a positive lasting impression for locals and visitors. We also provide city-wide bunting, colourful vinyls on empty units and eye-catching installations including umbrellas in 2023. An improved environment means people are more likely to stay longer and spend more
Cleaning – The BID has invested in a cleaning machine (The Becket) which provides additional cleaning support in some of the more tricky grot spots. The team are also equipped to deal with graffiti removal when reported.
Enhancing the public realm – Working in association with partners we continue to improve the streetscape and attractiveness of specific areas of our city centre. We have invested in vibrant window vinyls to reduce the impact of vacant units. We also lobby on behalf of businesses for public realm improvements to the street-scape.
Signage and wayfinding – We deliver projects to improve how people find their way into and around the city to encourage visitors to explore different areas of the city, helping to spread footfall and spend. These include a free printed Shopping Map, accommodation provider map pads for visitors staying in the area and online resources available through our Visit Canterbury website.
Improving security – The BID continues to develop our crime reduction partnership for the city, working closely with our Purple Flag committee which includes Kent Police, District Watch, the Universities and Unions, local security firms, Canterbury City Council, Whitefriars security, resident groups as well as owners and managers from businesses that operate in the early evening, night time and late-night economy. We lead on Purple Flag accreditation, promoting a safe and vibrant night time economy for everyone and provide free Zero Tolerance training for local businesses. We also provide businesses with a handy printed Support Directory to help link staff with any reporting and operational issues.
WiFi and connectivity – We continue to support and lobby for better connectivity and have dedicated funds to support the further development of the free WiFi system in Canterbury.