Your city
This is your opportunity to invest over £2.5 million in Canterbury city centre over the next five years. Through the BID you can improve and take control of your trading environment with additional investment into these four key areas:
• Strong Brand
• Superb Destination
• Great Centre for Business
• Connected City
Click here for details of the projects that will be delivered.
Your company
The BID will be managed by Canterbury City Partnership Community Interest Company (CCP, an independent not-for-profit company), and will be accountable to a 17-strong board of directors elected by you. The BID team will oversee the delivery of projects outlined in this business plan, and work in the best interests of business in Canterbury city centre. For details of the proposed BID board representation, please click here.
Your money
The BID will be funded by a1.5per cent levy on each business in the defined area with a Rateable Value (RV) exceeding £1,700 (exceptions apply click here).
Collectively the total fund will generate additional revenue through voluntary contributions, commercial income, grants and sponsorships. For examples of how much this may cost your business click here.
Your decision
You will decide whether Canterbury becomes a Business Improvement District by voting in a BID ballot. If you want to promote Canterbury and see all the projects outlined in this business plan become a reality, you should ensure you vote YES on the ballot paper.