Canterbury Bid

Canterbury Forum

Online via Zoom

The next meeting of the Canterbury Forum, for Canterbury residents and councillors, will be on Monday 17 January at 7.00 pm, and will again be online. The main agenda items will be: OLD PARK: This is the area between Sturry Road and Littlebourne Road which is a much-valued area of woodland and grassland, of very special ecological and historical interest. A Friends of Old Park and Chequers Wood group has recently been formed to safeguard and protect it, and attached is a leaflet which the group has produced. This agenda item will be an opportunity to hear and discuss why it is so special, what the threats to it are, and the questions it raises about possible routes for a Canterbury eastern by-pass. TOWN COUNCILS: There is a lot of active support in Whitstable for seeking to create a Whitstable Town Council. As that campaign goes forward it will raise the question of whether there is also a case for a town council for Canterbury. This agenda item will be an opportunity to hear about the plans for Whitstable and think about their implications for Canterbury, and the pros and cons of a Canterbury Town Council. WINCHEAP BY-PASS:  KCC officers […]