- Your City, Your Future, Your Say Conference – the concept of a BID was introduced.
- The BID concept and initial plans were presented at the Canterbury Area Members Panel (CAMP) to local elected representatives including CCC and KCC.
- Centre businesses invited to attend one of 30 briefings to explicitly explain what a BID is and to ask them whether they would support one in the city.
- Presentation about the BID made to The Canterbury Society.
- CCP Spring Conference: Is a Business Improvement District right for our city? More than 60 businesses present and the development of a BID was supported by more than 70% of those attending.
- A questionnaire asking for feedback and ideas for the BID Proposal was sent out by post to all 679 businesses in the city: 70% of those responding were in favour of a BID.
- Canterbury BID Conference – the first draft of the Proposal and Business Plan were presented for consultation at the Conference based on feedback received through the questionnaire.
- Presentation made to the Canterbury 4 Business (C4B) Board, the local economic partnership.
- 16 local business people agreed to act as Ambassadors for the BID, representing local and national businesses, with the remit to speak with businesses across the city about the BID, seeking feedback and support.
- BID information leaflet sent out to every business providing them with important information about the BID.
- Presentation given to the local chamber, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and the local Management Committee of the Federation for Small Business (FSB).
- Presentation made to three local Ward Councillors to ensure that their views are represented in the final BID Proposal.
- Three BID Open Clinic Days held for businesses to drop in and ask questions about the BID.
- Head Offices of national retailers contacted to inform them of the intention to develop a BID in Canterbury and inviting their feedback on the proposal.
- Presentations about the BID made to The St Peter’s Residents’ Association and to the St Mildred’s Area Community Society.
- The BID outline Proposal presented to our local Member of Parliament, Julian Brazier.
- The Canterbury Connected BID Business Plan launch conference.
Ongoing communication
- CCP monthly ‘The Word on the Streets’ Newsletter
- CCP Twitter feed
- CCP Website
- The Local Economy Newsletter from the City Council
- Canterbury 4 Business (C4B) Board meetings and updates on the BID included in the monthly C4B newsletter.
- One-to-one meetings with Canterbury businesses informing them of the BID and asking for their feedback
External consultation
- CCP has engaged with a number of other BIDs nationally including Chichester, Winchester and Nottingham
- CCP has sought advice, guidance and training from the Association of Town & City Management and British BIDs