Canterbury City Council have launched consultations on three topics that will be important in shaping the future of our district. The Council are keen to hear the views of local people on the proposals, ensuring you have a real say in the decisions the make on your behalf.
The consultations are:
A new approach to transport and enhancing our city centre – closes 29 January
The Council are consulting on important proposals to improve transport and boost the city and town centres through major changes to parking, including the greater use of new technology, and transforming a number of pedestrian areas. They are also consulting on proposed increases to parking charges that will help fund these important improvements.
Canterbury City Council’s new Parking Proposals are an important development in the commercial life of the city and it is vital that businesses fully understand what is being proposed and also that you have the opportunity to ask questions about it for yourselves. Click here to see the new plans that are open for consultation. Canterbury Connected Business Improvement District, in partnership with Canterbury 4 Business, would like to invite you to attend a consultation event on Monday 18th January 2016 at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge Conference Centre in the Cathedral Precincts. The agenda is as follows:
08:00: Registration and refreshments
08.30: Presentation of the Proposals – Simon Cook, Leader, Canterbury City Council and Colin Carmichael, CEO, Canterbury City Council
09.00: Q&A
10.00: Event concludes
Please register to attend by emailing
Corporate Plan 2016-2020 – closes 22 January
The Council’s Corporate Plan sets out their vision and business plan for the council for the next four year. It sets out a number of ambitions focussing on PEOPLE, PLACES and PROSPERITY that will guide and influence the ways their services are planned and delivered and describes the priorities the council will focus on.
Financial outlook and draft budget 2016/17 – closes 29 January
Each year the council sets out its proposed budget for the coming year. Along with most other councils across the country, Canterbury City Council is trying to manage through a period of significant change to their budgets. Over the past few years the Council have achieved significant reductions in their budget. By 2019/20 they will have to make further significant savings and as a result, the Council will face some challenging decisions over the next four years. These papers set out their proposed approach to budgeting over the four years with a view to becoming financially self-reliant during this time.
Please do take the opportunity to take a read of the proposals and let the Council have your comments, and to share this with others in your community. You can also sign up to receive regular emails on consultations the Council are running via the home page of their website.