Canterbury Bid

Travel Plans Grant Scheme

Travel Plans for Businesses

Kent County Councils Transport Innovations Team are offering businesses an exciting opportunity to apply for a capital grant of up to £5,000 to implement measures on your site which will help your staff travel sustainably to and from work. Active and/or sustainable travel has been shown to save money, improve productivity, reduce sick leave and boost morale in the workplace. It can also improve your business’ carbon footprint, reduce congestion and reduce the number of car parking spaces required on site.

To apply for a grant, you will need to register on their website by 30 September.

Free adult cycle training courses

These training courses are available for anyone who is living, working or studying in Kent. The courses have been developed using the National Standards for Cycle Instruction and are delivered by qualified instructors. You can choose from the following courses:

Starting to ride – wanting to start riding a bicycle?
Return to cycling – gain confidence to start riding again regularly.
Confidence booster – important manoeuvres and key safety messages.
Advanced cycling – cycling during rush hour, improve road position and filtering skills.

Courses can be held on a day that is suitable to you, at a chosen time and location and lasts for approximately 2 hours. Bespoke courses are also available which can be tailored to your specific needs, but are available at a cost.

Together we can encourage regular cycling, healthy lifestyles and sustainable travel for your staff.

For further information visit the website.

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