Kent County Council (KCC) have launched the budget consultation to explain the impending scale of the county council’s budget challenge for next year. The council estimates it needs to make £80 million of savings for the 2016/17 budget. We are asking people how they want their money spent in the face of increasing demands for services at a time of reduced funding.
Savings are required largely because of two main factors:
1) £58 million of additional demands are being placed on the council’s budget.
2) The council is expecting a reduction in government funding of £33 million.
KCC is consulting with residents as to whether they would accept a small proposed increase to the Council Tax up to the amount permitted without a referendum – currently 1.99%. A raise would contribute £11 million towards balancing the books. Residents are invited to have their say on the proposed increase.
In its budget of February 2015, KCC indicated that future savings would be made around developing and transforming the way adult and children’s services are delivered. This work continues with plans to invest in quality preventative services that avoid wherever possible expensive interventions, such as taking children into care.
To find out more click here and have your say before the end of the consultation on 24 November 2015.