Sustrans is a UK charity promoting sustainable, healthier forms of travel and is engaging with businesses in the Canterbury area. The local Sustrans project is currently funded through a partnership with Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council. The free support offered to local businesses provides:
- Cost savings: reduced travel/fuel costs, less demand for car park spaces and better use of staff time all contribute to cost reductions.
- Increased productivity: measures such as online journey planning, video conferencing and working on the move can win you back valuable work time for your staff.
- Healthier, happier staff: walking and cycling reduces stress and improves staff health and wellbeing.
- Improved environmental credentials: reducing your overall carbon footprint can boost the public profile of the business.
So far, some of Sustrans’ work in the Canterbury area has helped local businesses save money on fuel costs through eco driver training as well as sourcing funding for cycling facilities to encourage active travel and video conferencing/mobile working technology to reduce travel for business. If you would like to discuss how Sustrans can help your business save money on travel costs and work more sustainably, then contact your local Sustrans Project Officer for more information:
Matt Bembridge
Email –
Phone – 07747 096579