Canterbury Bid

Station Road West multi-storey car park

Multi storey car park design concept images

From Canterbury City Council:


“In January 2016 we carried out public consultation on a package of transport and parking improvements to be funded from increases in parking charges. This approach was generally supported by local people and businesses.

One of the projects was the construction of a new three-level multi-storey car park at Station Road West with new shops to the front.

We are now consulting on our proposals for the new car park, which would see the number of spaces increase from 129 at the moment to approximately 380.

The car park would help meet the high demand for parking in this part of the city, while the new shops would add to the vibrancy of the St Dunstan’s area.

Have your say

We’d like to hear your views on our plans for the new car park. This is a pre-planning application consultation.

You can have your say by taking part in our Station Road West interactive consultation. Alternatively, email our Transportation team or write to Transport and Environment Manager, Council Offices, Military Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YW.

We are also holding two drop-in consultation events at the Guildhall in Canterbury on:

  • Friday 23 June, 2pm to 6pm
  • Saturday 24 June, midday to 4pm

All comments must be received by Wednesday 5 July.”

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